Field Visit to Fish Market at Mashar Hat, Jorhat on October 16, 2023

A field visit was conducted on October 16, 2023, at Mashar Hat, Jorhat, headed by course in-charge Dr. Dhiramani Bhuyan and Dr. Luk Bahadur Chetry, respectively. This was for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of their Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) ZOOSK-011 (PR) under the TDC Semester I of B.Sc. in Zoology (Core) programme curriculum.

The main objective of the field visit was to identify the locally available aquarium fish. The following aquarium fish are recorded:

  • Amblypharyngodon microlepis (Indian carplet)
  • Anabas testudineus (Climbing perch)
  • Botia dario (Bengal loach or queen loach)
  • Chanda nama (Elongate glassy perchlet)
  • Channa marulius (Cobra Snakehead)
  • Channa micropeltes (giant snakehead)
  • Channa orientalis (Ceylon snakehead)
  • Channa punctata (Spotted snakehead)
  • Channa striata (Snakeheaded murrel)
  • Heteropneustes fossilis (Stinging catfish)
  • Labeo bata (Bhagon)
  • Macrognathus aral (One-stripe spiny eel)
  • Nandus nandus (Gangetic leaffish)
  • Dendrobranchiata (Prawn)
  • Puntius sarana (Puthi)
  • Trichogaster lattices (dwarf gouran)
  • Wallago attu (Helicopter Catfish)
  • Xenentodon cancila (Freshwater garfish)

zoology 06 11 2023

Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)
Barpatra Ali, Jorhat-785001
Assam, India
Phone: +91 376 3510156
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